Thursday, January 29, 2009

Am I a bad student?

Right now I'm in my American History class. I LOVE LOVE LOVE history. It just makes me excited to know the things that have gone on in the world. I've often thought about changing my major to teach history. It's a passion. I read history books for fun. True story.

Well, right now, my history teacher is awfully annoying to me. I can't stay in this class much longer. Her voice has that annoying tone to it. She sounds like Joan Cusack. Don't get me wrong, JC is a great actor, but her voice has that same quality of a metal fork scraping a glass plate. I'm pretty sure that this class is offered every semester. If it's not then SLU has more flaws than I thought. Sooooo, I'm thinking that I may drop this class on my break and take it again next semester.

She's actually about 30 years off from where I take a lot of interest in history. The Salem Witch Trials. The time that The Crucible is written about. I absolutely love hearing about that. The Crucible is one production I require that I be involved with before I die. I think it's my favorite play.

The thing I've been wishing to make a job of lately is Greek history. "But Kate, you're not Greek!" Good point, but irrelevant. I had an American History teacher from England a few years ago. Interesting, right? I actually loved that class and passed it with an A. Anyway, the Greeks fascinate me. The Greeks, the Egyptians, the Ancient Chinese. I'll go as far as to say that early eastern Europe up until right after the Renaissance. interests me deeply. Theatre really springs from the Greeks. That's where it really started to be celebrated, or where it was really actually used to celebrate and pay homage to gods. Greek theatre is what really makes me head over heels. As stated in my last blog, theatre is the love of my life. It's natural (at least in my thoughts it's natural) that I'd like to learn about the beginning of the thing I love most.

I'm going to stop this blog now. I'm sleepy. I want lunch with CJ. Heck, I just want lunch.

Side note: John Wayne really is "tha man".

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